Monday, February 28, 2011

Ayurveda approach to Genital Herpes

Ayurveda approach to Genital Herpes
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Herpes is caused by a virus the herpes simplex virus (HSV), which belongs to the same family of viruses that cause chickenpox. There are two types of herpes simplex viruses
1. Herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-1) and mostly causes oral herpes
2. Herpes simplex type 2 (HSV-2). And mostly causes genital herpes

Ayurveda, genital herpes, ayurveda remedies for genital herpes, herbal remedies for HSV- 1 HSV-2 , ayurveda herbal treatment for genital herpes, genital herpes causes, prevention

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Ayurveda approach to Genital Herpes
Dosha theory which help in diagnosis of the diseases
According to ayurveda three doshas or three energetic forces control the activities of the body. These doshas are
1. Vata
2. Pitta
3. Kapha

VATA: The Vata dosha is the most important of the three doshas. It has been said in ayurveda classic books that “ pitta , Kapha and all other body tissues are considered lame without assistance of VATA .” Vata dominates the lower part of the body, which is below umbilicus. The movements of body fluid, metabolism, elimination of waste products, semen ejaculation, pushing the fetus out of body, relaying stimulus to brain and response to organs and tissues, heart beat, respiration, body movements etc are assisted by VATA.

Vata dominated regions are intestines, lumbar region, ears, bones and skin.    
Vata   gets vitiated due to following reasons.
1. Controlling natural urges like urination, defecation, hunger, thirst, etc.
2. Late nights.
3. Irregular food habits.
4. Talking in a high pitch.
5. Over physical and mental exertion.
6. Consumption of spicy, dry, bitter foods.
7. Exposure to severe dry and cold climate.
The opposites of above-mentioned reason normalize the vitiated vata.

PITTA: The pitta dosha assists the body fire or Agni, which plays a major role in body’s metabolic activities. The locations where pitta dominates are digestive system, skin, eyes, brain, and blood. Pitta maintains body temperature. The secretions like digestive juices pigments like melanin (bhrajaka pitta), hemoglobin (ranjaka pitta) are all types of pitta.
Pitta is dominant in regions of Umbilicus, stomach, sweat, lymph, blood, eyes and skin.
Vata   gets vitiated due to following reasons.
1. Excess consumption of spicy, sour, salty foods.
2. Consuming alcohol in excess.
3. Over exposure to hot sunny climate.
4. Short temperedness.
5. Using dried vegetables.
6. Indigestion of food.
The opposites of above-mentioned reason normalize the vitiated pitta.

KAPHA: Kapha provides bulk to body, lubrications, moistness, fertility, stability, strength, and memory. Helps in binding process wherever necessary. This is heaviest of all doshas.
Kapha dominated regions are chest, neck, head, stomach, body fat, nose and tongue
Kapha  gets vitiated due to following reasons.
1. Sleeping in daytime.
2. Consuming sweets , chilled food, in excess.
3. Consuming fish, sesame, sugarcane, milk and milk products.
The opposites of above-mentioned reason normalize the vitiated kapha.
When these doshas are in balanced condition the body remains healthy. If these doshas get imbalanced the body succumbs to diseases. Doshas get imbalanced frequently due to change in climate, seasons, lifestyles, diet etc. The treatment is to bring back the doshas to normalcy and expel the toxin or ama produced during the imbalanced condition.
Causes of Genital Herpes
Herpes is caused by a virus the herpes simplex virus (HSV), which belongs to the same family of viruses that cause chickenpox. There are two types of herpes simplex viruses
1. Herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-1) and mostly causes oral herpes
2. Herpes simplex type 2 (HSV-2). And mostly causes genital herpes
However, both type-1 and type-2 can occur in the genitals, oral area or both.
Due to unhealthy life styles and diet the delicate balance between doshas get disturbed. This disturbs the body fire or Agni.
(Agni is the body fire, which is responsible for transformation of one substance to another. It breaks down the food substances, eliminates toxins and wastes, maintains body temperature, and resists the invasion of microbes by maintaining strong body immunity.
The body fire, which is assisted by balanced doshas, digests the food completely to form Pakwa Anna rasa (the liquid form of food which is completely digested by digestive enzymes), which is ready to get absorbed by body tissues. According to ayurveda Pakwa Anna Rasa nourishes the body and its components to keep the body devoid of diseases. But when body fire is impaired there will be an incomplete digestion of food forming Apakwa Rasa (indigested food). The indigested food fails to nourish the body components leading to lowered body resistance.)
The disturbed Agni fails to digest the food and toxins get accumulated in body due to improper metabolism. Accumulation of toxins reduces the body immunity and paves the way for invasion by microbes.
When a person who has low immunity comes in contact with HSV virus, he/she gets the genital or oral herpes.
Unhealthy lifestyle
1. Over eating
2. Sleeping in afternoons.
3. Over physical exertion.
4. Over mental exertion
5. Consuming food frequently even when not hungry.
6. Constant exposure to hot sunny climates
Unhealthy diet
Excessive consumption of
1.  Salty, sour, hot, spicy food.
2. Sour curds
3. Alcohol.
4. Cheese
5. Charred and overcooked food.
6. Sesame, Bengal gram, horse gram, sesame oil, rice flour, garlic, fish.
Opposite foods
1. Curds, salt, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, sour fruits, meat, prawn, pork, should not be consumed with milk. The above-mentioned foods should not be consumed by mixing one item with another.
2. Sprouts, honey and milk should not be consumed with meat and fish.
3. Fish  & milk: fish &sugarcane juice; jaggery & pork; honey & pork; milk & mango; banana & milk; are opposite foods.
The Transmission Of genital Herpes
A person can get genital herpes in following conditions
1. If he is sexual active and when he performs sex (oral or genital) with infected partners.
2. A person who has oral herpes transmits herpes to genital organs of a partner during oral sex and a person who has genital herpes transmits this to his partner during coitus when they have a genital contact.
3. The disease gets transmitted when mucous membrane comes in contact with infected area.
The disease gets transmitted mostly during active phase. But it may spread even during asymptomatic  (when person is free of symptoms for a particular duration) phase. The virus needs a fluid media for its transportation. The body fluids like saliva, semen, vaginal tract secretions etc. Mucous membranes in mouth, vagina, urethra or open wounds facilitate the virus invasion due to their moistness.
In Genital herpes there is an imbalance of all three doshas  (VATA, PITTA, KAPHA), which in turn vitiate lasika (lymph), blood (rakta), muscle (mamsa) and skin (twacha).
The imbalanced doshas vitiate skin and the immunity of skin cells is lowered. The virus attacks these weak cells and starts exhibiting symptoms on affected area.
Local symptoms
1. Pricking sensation
2. Edema
3. Pain
4. Feeling of constriction
5. A sensation of ant creeping
6. Many small eruptions gathering in a small area.
7. These eruptions or blisters burst soon with exudates.
8. These blisters will have different colors according to involvement of doshas.   (Blackish red or blue in vata, red, yellow, copper colored in pitta, shades of white in kapha).

The weakened body immune system tries to resist the virus invasion but fails to achieve the goal. In this futile attempt the following systemic symptoms are exhibited.
Systemic symptoms
1. Fever
2. Weakness
3. Indigestion
4. Impaired bowels
5. Increased frequency of urination.
6. Body pain.
7. Increased thirst.
Imbalanced vata causes the symptoms like pain, swelling and body ache
The imbalanced pitta and vitiated blood and skin cause
1. Blisters,
2. Change the color of skin,
3. Cause burning sensation, and fever.
The imbalanced kapha and vitiated lymph cause itching, tingling sensation.
After the first attack the virus moves from skin through the nerve paths to base of the nerve and becomes inactive. Now the herpes infected person will be devoid of all symptoms. But the imbalance of doshas still persists.
Reactivation of Virus to cause outbreaks
At unpredictable times, the virus becomes active. It multiplies and resurfaces on skin by traveling through the nerve path and exhibits the symptoms locally. The severity of symptoms of out break depends on the strength of body immunity.
The pelvis or shroni, nerves and skin are dominated by vata. When vata gets vitiated due to precipitating factors, it reactivates the virus dormant in base of nerve end and the virus travel through nerve paths to reach the skin surface.
Precipitating Factors
As we know the outbreaks have few precipitating factors like
1. Excessive exposure to sun.
2. Illness,
3. Poor diet,
4. Emotional stress
5. Physical stress,
6. Friction,
7. Steroids
8. Menstruation.
9. Emotional stress.
10. Genital trauma and intercourse.
11. Repeated infections such as a cold or pneumonia.
These factors increase vata and increased vata activates the virus, which is dormant.
Low Immunity The systemically imbalanced doshas interfere with the body metabolism by vitiating the body fire (agni). This leads to indigestion and malassimilation of nutrients, which in turn causes poor immunity. Due to decreased immunity the body fails to offer resistance to outbreaks.
Ayurveda Tips to avoid outbreaks
1. Spicy, sour, fried and junk food, which aggravates vata.
2. Precipitating factors.
3. Sleeping in afternoon.
4. Meat products over fried or deep fried in oil or fat.
5.  Charred and overcooked food.
6.  Consuming opposite food like fish and milk etc
7.  Physical exertion after a meal
8.  Taking bath immediately after exercise or heavy outdoor work.
Include honey, pomegranate, and fruits of Emblica officinalis, legumes, dates and raisins in your diet.
Practice Yoga and Meditation to control emotional disturbances
Ayurveda References
1.  Sushruta Samhita
2. Charaka Samhita
3. Madhava nidana
4. Ashtanga Sangraha
5. Yoga Ratnakara

Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Medicines and Important Herbs

Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Medicines and Important Herbs
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Are you new to Ayurveda? Start from here.. Read about Ayurveda and Ayurvedic medicines and Principles. Also Featuring Benefits of Some Important Herbs

ayurveda, ayurvedic medicines, herbs, herbal, remedies

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What is Ayurveda and Its Importance?
Ayurveda is a traditional holistic healing. Translated from Sanskrit, Ayurveda means 'the science of life'. ayur means "life" and veda means "science. India system which largely depends on plant support to form major Chunk of its medicine. Most of the herbs, spices, seeds, roots, leaves, stems, petals and flowers are deeply ingrained in all Indian homes where 'home remedies' are popular. Even certain family members in some family are adept in curing even intricate disorders by simple and cost effective formulations which, at times, have shown marvelous and astounding results.
All over the world today we are looking for a natural system of healing that is comprehensive and complete, that is not merely some curious form of folk healing but a real and rational system of medicine that is sensitive to both nature and the Earth. This is exactly what Ayurveda has to offer, for it has a many thousand year-old clinical tradition and a comprehensive natural method of treatment ranging from diet, herbs and massage.
With Ayurveda we learn the right diet for our individual type, how to improve our immune system, he keys to right use of sexual energy and rejuvenation,a nd a conscious way of life that can lift us to a new level of awareness in all our endeavors.
Without such natural wisdom as Ayurveda, we may find ourselves not only unhealthy, but unhappy and spiritually confused.
Ayurveda Principles and Theory
Ayurveda system is the prominent user of herbs and its basic theory revolves round imbalance and vitiation of three humors (Doshas).
Ether (Akash), Air (Vayu), Fire (Agni), Water (Jal) and Earth (Prithvi) are the great five elements which underline all living systems. these elements are constantly changing and interacting and can be simplified into three Vitiations (Doshas). When these doshas remain under harmony and balance, health of body does not get disturbed but, when their balance gets disturbed, a diseased state sets in.
The three doshas are vata (Wind), Pitta (Bile) and Kapha (Phlegm) and due to predominance of the one dosha, a person's personality is determined that is ' Vata-Prakriti', 'Pitta- Prakriti' or 'Kapha Prakriti'
Vata formed from ether and air, governs all movement in the mind and body and must be kept in good balance.
Pitta formed from fire and water, governs "all heat, metabolism and transformation in the mind and body
Kapha formed from earth and water, cements the elements in the body, providing the material for physical structure
Each person has an individual blend of the three doshas, with one or sometimes two doshas predominating.
Common Herbs used in Ayurvedic Medicines
Amalaki (Amla or Indian Gooseberry or Emblica officinalis) - The fruit is reputed to have the highest content of vitamin C of any natural occuring substance in nature. It maintains balance amongst three doshas and effectively controls digestive problems, strengthens heart, normalises cholesterol, prevents cancer, builds up and sustain defence mechanism, improves eye-sight and detoxifies the body.
Amla is said to have 20 times more vitamin C than orange. The vitamin C content of amla is between 625mg - 1814mg per 100gms. Other studies show that amla increases red blood cell count and hemoglobin. A research tem discovered that when Amla is taken regularly as a dietary supplement, it counteracts the toxic effects of prolonged exposure to environmental heavy metals, such as lead, aluminium and nickel. Read More About Amla
Ashwagandha (Winter Cherry or Withania Somnifera)- Ashwagandha is one of the main herbs for promoting ojas and rejuvenating the body in Ayurveda. It is a well known semen promoter and it treats impotency and infertility.
Clinical studies show that Ashwagandha has antibacterial, antitumor, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating properties. The strong anti-stress actions, increases memory and learning capabilities. It has also found to be useful in Rheumatic and Arthritic disorders like pain, swelling etc
Summing up, it is a strong Aphrodisiac and has Immunomodulating, anti- inflammatory, anti tumor and anti stress properties which clearly shows why Ayurveda has such a high opinion of this herb as a general tonic. Read More About Ashwagandha
Arjuna (Terminalia Arjuna) - It is a cardiac tonic of high quality. Terminalia arjuna, is known to be beneficial for the treatment of heart ailments since 500 BC. Clinical research has indicated its usefulness in relieving anginal pain, and in the treatment of coronary artery disease, heart failure, and possibly hypercholesterolemia.
"Terminalia arjuna bark extract, 500 mg 8 hourly, given to patients with stable angina with provocable ischemia on treadmill exercise, led to improvement in clinical and treadmill exercise parameters as compared to placebo therapy." Result on Clinical Research Conducted.
Improvement of cardiac muscle function and subsequent improved pumping activity of the heart seem to be the primary benefits of Terminalia Arjuna. Read More About Arjuna
Brahmi (Bacopa, Gotu Kola) - Brahmi is known as "the food for brain". Traditionally Brahmi is used as a mental tonic, to rejuvenate the body, as a promoter of memory and as a nerve tonic. It promotes a calm, clear mind, and improves mental function.
Modern Research claims that brahmi improves memory and helps overcome the negative effects of stress. Brahmi is especially suitable for students as it enhances the minds ability to learn and to focus and for an elderly person hoping to regain their memory. It is unique in its ability to invigorate mental processes whilst reducing the effects of stress and nervous anxiety.
As a nervine tonic, Brahmi has been used to help those affected by stroke, nervous breakdown or exhaustion and Attention Deficit Disorder. The best Ayurvedic brain and memory formulas contain brahmi, as do many of the long life promoting compounds. Read More About Brahmi
Guggulu (Shuddha Guggulu, Guggul, Commiphora Mukul) - Modern Research shows that it is the prime Ayurvedic herb for treating obesity and high cholesterol. Studies shows that guggulu lowers serum cholesterol and phospholipids, and that it also protects against cholesterol- induced atherosclerosis. Guggulu were seen to lower body weight in these clinical studies.
Guggulu also as anti-inflammatory properties and is effective in treating arthritis and other joint pains. Read More About Guggulu
Karela (Bitter Melon, Bitter Gourd, Momordica Charantia) - At least three different groups of constituents have been reported to have blood sugar lowering actions in bitter Mellon. These include a mixture of steroidal saponins known as charantin, insulin-like peptides, and alkaloids. Scientific studies have consistently shown that bitter melon lowers blood sugar level of Type 2 Diabetes.
It could probably reduce the patients intake of antidiabetic drugs. Also Bitter Melon has two proteins which are thought to repress the AIDS virus.
Recently, the Department of Health in the Philippines has recommended bitter melon as one of the best herbal medicines for diabetic management. Read More About Bitter Melon

Neem (Azadirachta Indica) - Neem is an extraordinary blood purifier, good for al skin diseases like acne, eczema, psoriasis and teeth and gums. Neem is included in most Ayurvedic Skin products because it is as effective on an external application as through internal indigestion.
In Ayurveda it has been safely used for over five thousand years and are a good immunity booster to prevent colds, fevers, infections and various skin diseases. Read More About Neem

Shilajit (Mineral Pitch, Asphaltum) - Shilajit is one of the prime Ayurvedic compounds for rejuvenating the body. it is an aphrodisiac, anti-aging herb and to treat diabetes and debilitating urinary problems.
The Charaka Samhita states that a person must use shilajit for a minimum of one month before starting to realize he regenerating effects. It is also used to treat impotency and infertility. it is well known that Shilajit would return the libido of people to level of teenagers.
There is a folk saying by the indigenous people who live in the Himalayan region that Shilajit makes the body strong as a rock. It is an adaptogen, (Rasayna), that helps to combat immune disorders, urinary tract disorders, nervous disorders and sexual dissatisfaction. Read More About Shilajit

Shallaki (Boswellia Serrata, Salai Guggul) - Modern Research indicate that the Boswellia herb may assist in treating joint mobility, pain, and may be a useful remedy for a variety of inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. A recent clinical trial suggests positive effects of Boswellia serrata extract in knee osteoarthritis.
Boswellia has also been found to be useful for a number of other disorders and best for treating Back Pain, Knee Pain, Joint Pain and Arthritis. This herb has also been proposed as a possible therapy for Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Read More About Boswellia
Triphala (Amalaki, Bibhitaki, Haritaki) - Triphala has got the properties of three famous nutrients: amla, haritaki and bibhitaki. The advantage of this formula is that it is milder in action and more balanced than any of the three alone.
It has cleansing and detoxifying action. Used regularly it is good for gentle, slow detoxification of the digestive tract and then the deep tissues. It also has the ability to normalize all three humors with continued use.
As a daily supplement triphala is hard to beat; that' s why in India they say "even if your mother leaves you, every thing will be fine if you have triphala" Read More About Triphala
Tulsi (Holy Basil, Ocimum Sanctum) - Its very name Holy Basil certifies to its sacred nature. It is a sacred plant worshipped in many Indian homes and is a must in every Hindu’s house.
Holy basil is also a major ingredient of many Ayurvedic cough syrups. it is a good stress reliever, and modern research has found it to be good for Respiratory problems, Cold, Fever and all types of Cough. Read More About Tulsi.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Award Winning Aromatic Plants

Award Winning Aromatic Plants
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I recently was involved in the exhibition of a show garden at the 2006 “Garden Heaven” exhibition. I worked along with Terra Garden Ireland based in Claregalway on the bronze medal winning Malaysian themed garden “Neo Nusantara”. The garden combined wood, stone, earth and planting with two unique water features. The design aimed to appease and rejuvenate the five senses. Sight, touch, sound, smell and taste. Beautiful dark woods and running water used in the construction were...

scent, aromatic, plants, flower, garden, lavender, butterflies, sage

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I recently was involved in the exhibition of a show garden at the 2006 “Garden Heaven” exhibition. I worked along with Terra Garden Ireland based in Claregalway on the bronze medal winning Malaysian themed garden “Neo Nusantara”. The garden combined wood, stone, earth and planting with two unique water features. The design aimed to appease and rejuvenate the five senses. Sight, touch, sound, smell and taste. Beautiful dark woods and running water used in the construction were a delight to the senses of sight, touch and sound. I used carefully selected planting to arouse the sense of smell. Here are two of the plants I used to add scent to the garden. Use them to add scent to your garden as well.
* Sage, for scent and flower
Salvia x sylvestris “Mainacht” commonly known as May night sage is a hardy perennial native to Western Asia and Europe. This sage is a colourful plant with indigo-blue flower spikes throughout June and July. In order to achieve this prolonged flowering you must remove the flower spikes as soon they start to fade. The striking flowers are held above the plants wrinkled and aromatic grey-green leaves. As well as exciting the gardener’s sense of smell, this plant will also excite and attract plenty of butterflies and bees. These visitors will add an extra and welcome visual element to your garden. You need not worry that Salvia x sylvestris “Mainacht” is going to engulf or overpower you planting areas. It only grows at a moderate pace to height of 60cm (2ft), with a similar spread. Position this reliable perennial in the front or middle of a well-drained border. It does really well in sun or dappled shade where the bright blue flowers will add a colour boost to green leaved plants.
* English lavender for scent and butterflies
The second scented plant is Lavandula angustifolia “Hidcote” commonly known as English lavender. This small evergreen shrub (some people say herb) originated in Europe and Asia and grows to a height of 0.6 metres (2ft); with a similar spread. Growing in many gardens throughout the country, its long stalked deep purple flower spikes wave gently above narrow grey-green aromatic leaves. These blooms will last for many weeks to come whilst on the plant, when cut for indoor display these flowers will last up to 10 days. I suggest you cut back the flower stalks after flowering to maintain the plant's compact shape. Care must be taken not to cut into old wood as this can cause large areas of the plant to die back. The oil of lavender extracted from this frost hardy shrub is used to this day in the production of soaps, scented candles, perfumes and making potpourri. Lavender copes well with free draining or sandy soils and is an ideal container plant in full sun due to its drought resistance. I would recommend this scented plant for edging walkways or simply if you want to attract some butterflies into your garden space. Another great lavender for this purpose is Lavandula angustifolia “Munstead”

Avoiding Colds and Flu Naturally

Avoiding Colds and Flu Naturally
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This is the time of year when colds and flu abound.  This article offers various choices to build immunity and avoid viral and bacterial illness.

colds, flu, natural prevention, oil of oregano, immunity, colloidal silver, diet,anti-viral, anti-bacterial, lymphatics, intestinal cleansing, exercise, fresh air, rebounding, enzymes

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This year it is of utmost importance that we pay attention to strengthening our immune systems naturally.  Using certain herbs, foods, supplements and homeopathic remedies can help you avoid catching a cold or flu and build your immune system.  If you do catch a virus, they can help
relieve the symptoms and shorten the duration and severity of the illness. 
What most people don’t realize is how much your daily diet has an impact on the strength of your immune system.  If you or your child are eating sweets daily, processed foods, junk food, drinking soda or other sweetened beverages regularly, you are weakening your immunity and will be more likely to catch virus’s. One teaspoon of sugar (soda has about 9-
11 tbsp.) can weaken your immune system for 4 hours.  I believe that this is why so many people are now having an extreme difficulty fighting illnesses.  (Besides repeated antibiotic use)
Try eating more vegetables, at least 4-5 servings a day!  Along with eggs for breakfast, how about a few pieces of steamed asparagus, some spinach, squash or a few tomato slices.  Have a salad with lunch, and at least two vegetables with dinner.  Fresh fruit can also bolster vitamin C and help build resistance. 
Eat berries daily!  Especially frozen - freezing berries breaks the cell wall and releases more color pigments containing the beneficial bioflavanoids.   Avoid all white flour (eat only WHOLE grains), baked goods, sugary cereals, cookies, cakes, candy, and sweets.  You’ll feel so much stronger than you realize! 
Good Natural Vitamins a MUST!
It is very important to take a good quality, plant-based not synthetic, multi-vitamin/ mineral supplement daily which supplies you with vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, proanthocyanadines, bioflavanoids, green foods, enzymes and more. 
Taking 2000-4000 mg. of  Vitamin C every day will help you fight infections.  Eating garlic regularly or taking odorless garlic capsules helps fight viral, bacterial, and yeast infections.  Bee propolis is known as Russian penicillin and is often found in natural vitamin
supplements.  It is collected by bees to protect the hives from infection.
Super Antioxidants
I HIGHLY recommend using Super Antioxidants daily!  Not only because they help reduce the signs of aging, along with aches and pains, but they can greatly increase your immune system, being 20 - 50 times more potent than Vitamin C and E!  
Using Echinacea (purple coneflower) herbal extract regularly can help you avoid or reduce the severity and duration of viral illnesses.  40 drops for an adult taken 4-6 times a day at the first sign of a cold can help you avoid it completely.  Olive Leaf extract is  proven more powerful than penicillin in fighting upper respiratory infections, sinus, strep and throat infections!  Those with autoimmune diseases should consider using Astragalus instead of Echinacea to strengthen the spleen and immune system.  It is a safe, long term immune system tonic.
Oil of Oregano
My favorite is a high-quality, full-strength Oil of Oregano.  It is a very powerful agent against bacterial, viral,parasitic, and fungal infections.  I recommend keeping some on hand!  It’s an excellent general tonic and immune stimulant.  You can take one or two capsules a day, or
place one or two drops of the oil under the tongue to go immediately into the blood and lymph system.  4-5 drops can also be placed in juice andtaken several times a day.  This can be your best defense against the flu! 
Therapeutic value of Colloidal Silver
Also consider using Colloidal Silver for excellent anti-viral protection!  It works great to help avoid or reduce symptoms of colds and flu.  The body has an innate ability to rejuvenate and restore itself to optimum health. When taken daily, Colloidal Silver acts as an optimal immune system supporter by helping the body fight invaders. Medical tests indicate no known adverse effects from the use of properly prepared Colloidal Silver, and there has
never been a recorded case of drug interaction with any other medication.
The body does not develop a tolerance to Colloidal Silver and no allergic reaction has ever been recorded.
How Colloidal Silver Works
The presence of Colloidal Silver near an invader disables its oxygen-metabolism enzyme, its chemical lung, so to say. Within a few minutes, the invader suffocates and dies, and is cleared out of our bodies by the immune, lymphatic and elimination systems. Unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics, which destroy beneficial enzymes, Colloidal Silver leaves these tissue-cell enzymes intact, as they are radically different than those enzymes of primitive
single-celled life. Thus, Colloidal Silver is absolutely safe for humans,reptiles, plants and all multi-celled living matter.
Not to be underestimated is the value of maintaining good colon health.  The Chinese have long equated respiratory problems with poor bowel function.  If waste product is not beingremoved in a timely fashion then toxins build up in the body, and particularly the respiratory system.  Be sure to take herbs which perform a good bowel detox, as well as keep the intestines in fighting shape with friendly bacteria, such as acidophilus or bifidophilus.  Enzymes are a must.  Take a broad spectrum enzyme combination,  both with meals and
between meals.
Regular daily exercise and fresh air will also keep your lymph moving and your immune system strong.  Try rebounding (jumping on a mini-trampoline) everyday, even if it's just 2-5 minutes, several times a day. 
Be sure to wear a hat when out in the cold.  Getting plenty of sleep and daily relaxation to reduce stress will also help.  Keeping your self strong and healthy not only protects you from the flu, but many other ills as well.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Asthma Treatment Ways

Asthma Treatment Ways
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Different asthma treatments compared. Explanation of conventional therapies, alternative medicines and alternative therapies.

asthma treatment,asthma medicine,asthma therapy,asthma control

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Asthma can be treated in many ways
1. Using conventional medicines and therapies
2. Using alternative medicines such as herbs or other traditional medicines
3. By using alternative therapies such as Yoga, Acupuncture, etc...
Every type of therapy has its own scope and time span. The first and the most widely accepted therapy is the conventional medicines and procedures. In this procedure of asthma treatment, the patient is treated in two ways
1. Short term treatment
2. Long term treatment
Short term asthma treatment involves the instant relief of the patient from asthma attacks. Short term treatment involves the administration of inhalers and orally administered drugs. Asthma cannot be cured, but the scope of asthma can be controlled with the help of a proper asthma management program.
Short term treatment is done mainly by using Metered Dose Inhalers or MDIs. Dry powder inhalers are also gaining favor in the treatment of asthma.
For those patients who cannot use the MDI’s, nebulizer therapy is used.
Long term asthma treatment involves more of Parallel treatment and lesser use of drugs.
In parallel asthma treatment, environmental components and surrounding analysis is done to minimize the factors that lead to Asthma attacks. In this type of treatment environment components such as pollen grains, allergens etc are minimized from the patient’s surroundings to minimize the chances of an asthma attack.
For this it is necessary that the patient’s place of residence be cleaned every week, the patient must be kept away from pets with fur or feather, weekly washing of the bedding of the patient in hot water.
Avoid using synthetic material in the patient’s bedding, replace upholstery based furniture to vinyl or leather ones.
Remove carpeted floors. They may contain dust particles that could cause problems to the asthma patient.
Use the Air conditioner to protect the patient from subtle temperature changes.
Keep the house dry. Humidity effects the asthma patient.
After the parallel asthma treatment is completed, lung functioning is monitored to look for effective changes. After this, medicines like corticosteroids and bronchodilators are administered. Periodic check up is necessary to know about any changes in the condition of the patient.
For patients have persistent asthma attacks, an annual dose of influenza vaccine is necessary.
Written by Bruno Brown for This article can be reproduced as long as the autor's name and ACTIVE link are displayed.

Asthma Treatment Medications may not be worth the side effects

Asthma Treatment Medications may not be worth the side effects
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As with most conventional drugs, when one truly considers the side-effects that the drugs may have, it makes one wonder if they are even worth being prescribed and used both by the medical fraternity and vulnerable patients. For asthma treatment, this is no exception.

Asthma Medications

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As with most conventional drugs, when one truly considers the side-effects that the drugs may have, it makes one wonder if they are even worth being prescribed and used both by the medical fraternity and vulnerable patients. For asthma treatment, this is no exception.
Having suffered from asthma personally from the age of 7 (well, that’s the first time I remember having an attack) to about 7 years ago, I can say first hand that I strongly think most asthma medications just may not be worth the use.
The first time I was told “Hey, there is no cure for asthma”, I remember thinking as a child: “What, do you mean to tell me if someone playfully pats me on the back, or if I laugh hard at something, I’d have to always be scared of an asthma attack?”
Thank God…they were wrong. Asthma is indeed curable and with inexpensive and common-sense methods at that. Moreover, when one discovers how, one actually may view most common asthma medications as laughable propaganda hyped up to make a buck at the vulnerable and desperate sufferers of this respiratory disease.
Now friends, Ventolin as an inhaler or oral medication, is arguably the most prescribed from of medication for asthma control. However, studies have indicated that this drug might actually cause more harm than good in regards to asthma treatment.
Since no two humans are alike, symptoms of these side effects do vary from patient to patient, nonetheless here are some of the side effects as revealed by research in writing this article and perhaps it may steer the applicable to consider other ways of coping with this respiratory disorder naturally.
The side effects of this popular drug include:
1. Shaking, usually of the hands (tremor)
2. Nervous tension
3. Headache
4. Faster than normal heart beat (tachycardia)
5. Awareness of your heart beat (heart palpitations)
6. Muscle cramps
7. Low blood potassium level (hypokalaemia)
8. Unexpected narrowing of the airways (paradoxical bronchospasm)
The side effects listed above may not include all of the ones reported by the drug's manufacturer. For more information about any other possible risks associated with this medicine, you can always look at what the drug manufacturers have indicated on the package itself.
At this point, it leaves the question of what alternative treatments of asthma can be used and are there any at all.
Indeed there are and although that’s another subject into itself, what worked for me (and is in effect in the "Breath Retaining Program for Asthmatics" developed by the Russian, Dr. Buteyko) was a drastic change in my diet, some mild breathing exercises as akin to Yoga (I picked this physical culture up as a therapeutic means of building fitness after years of having to be indoors) and other common sense methods such as avoiding excessive cold, dust and the like. However, the last steps are more of preventive measures more than anything.
Breathing is the very essence of living, asthma need not be a barrier any longer in your existence and you need not use side-effect laden drugs at that to curb it. There are successful methods of treating your asthma out there. Since they worked for me and several others who have used them, chances are they can work for you.
Here’s to breathing freer.

Asthma Control: Tips on How to Cure your Asthma Naturally

Asthma Control: Tips on How to Cure your Asthma Naturally
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Have you been told there’s no cure for asthma? Well, that is quite false.
A successful cure and effective asthma control can be attained first by changing your breathing and dietetic habits amongst other tips. It worked for a previous sufferer of 10 years so chances are it can work for you.

Asthma Control

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With over 17 million people in the United States alone suffering from Asthma and consequently seeking some form of asthma control, this respiratory disease has proven to be a very debilitating hindrance to optimal health. Breathing is the very essence of life and for this disease to hinder its natural process, an effective Asthma control will be essential.
Characterized by wheezing sounds, tightness in the chest, difficulties breathing and at times cough spells and sore throats, I had my first asthma attack as a kid and up until about 6 years ago had these attacks rather frequently. This made for many sleepless nights (why with reaching for my ventolin inhaler) and boring days locked in doors. This was simply because I didn’t have the cardio-vascular endurance to withstand play coupled with the added fear of allergic reactions to grass, dust or even a friendly pat on the back which could trigger an asthma attack at any time landing me right back in the bed for a week minimum.
This (with acne and lethargy) was my state of health for years till I started to take up Yoga, considering its mild, yet very effective abilities to exercise the body without any vigorous demands. I was introduced to Pranayama, the Sanskrit name for Breathing Exercises and was told of the benefits of such techniques as the Bellows Breath for asthma control and was also shown how such simpler Square breathing exercises
could be beneficial for curing and preventing asthma along with improving my overall health.
The author of the Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga, Swami Vishnu Devananda attested to curing many patients with asthma symptoms by correcting their breathing habits and with the introduction of a proper diet and exercise. Based on my experiences, I will now provide you with similar and up to date information on the tried-and true techniques and methods of attaining successful and permanent asthma control techniques.
The first step to keep in mind whenever you are breathing is to make the conscious effort to ensure that it is done deeply. This can only be attained initially by conscious efforts but, with time and practice it becomes a natural process, like it was always intended to be.
To gain the most amount of air with minimal effort, ensure that when inhaling, you allow for the dome of the abdomen to have an outward curve.  Contrary to popular belief and instructions given by vocal coaches and even some doctors, do not raise the shoulders or stiffen the diaphragm when inhaling as this constricts the inflow of air for the lungs.
For a good illustration of natural breathing as described above, simply observe an infant.
You would notice a baby always breathes deeply from the abdomen although it is with a seemingly effortless approach. (I guess that is another reason why the great seers and prophets say “to learn from little children eh?”
A simple test to establish proper breathing habits will be the following exercises. When executing them, ensure that they are done on an empty stomach and in a place with plenty of fresh air. Also, make sure that you breathe through the nose as often as possible.
Asthma Control: Breathing Exercises to Use
1. Inhalation and Exhalation:
-Either laying flat on a bed or sitting erect commence to breathing deeply, using a stop-watch or metronome to keep track of the time. The desired ratio here is 1:2. Minimum time for inhalation should be 4 seconds gradually building up to 16. (With the time for exhalation now being 8 seconds gradually building up to 32) consciously perform this exhilarating exercise for several weeks.
2. Inhalation-Retention-Exhalation
-When you are properly established in exercise #1 the next stage included is retention. In ancient yogic texts, the required ratio would be 1:4:2 (inhalation, retention and exhalation) The minimum schedule again for this exercise is 4 seconds, gradually building up to a maximum of 16 seconds (inhalation that is) Practice this for several days or weeks till you master it and it becomes second nature.
Although, from the indications above, you’d notice that more emphasis is laid on proper breathing over diet as a step for a natural asthma control, do keep in mind that it is advised that you avoid Mucus-Forming foods such as Animal flesh and products, Most Grains, Junk and Processed Foods and even some so-called health-food products like Soy, Yeast, Bragg’s Liquid Aminos and Vinegar.
Abstinence from the products above is a must and a fact that has been in effect in several programs aimed at correcting respiratory health such as the "Breath Retaining Program For Asthmatics" developed by the Russian, Dr. Buteyko. Within weeks of adhering to this advice, many chronic asthmatics have been able to give up the use of ventolin inhalers.
Replace these items with Fruits, Leafy and Root Vegetables and if desired less harmful whole grains like Brown rice, Quinoa, Amaranth and Millet occasionally.
Also make sure to combine your meals properly and not to consume liquids of any kinds while eating so as not to constrict proper movement of the visceral organs that lie underneath the all important diaphragm. In addition, make the effort to avoid the use of microwaves, conventionally grown produce and polluted tap water for your optimal health.
Asthma need not be a part of your life anymore; you too can effectively apply these natural asthma control methods with the steps outlined above. So empower yourself for a successful asthma control today with proper breathing and dietetic habits.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ashwagandha- the Indian ginseng

Ashwagandha- the Indian ginseng
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Ashwagandha - also known as Indian Winter Cherry has the Botanical name Withania Somnifera  -It is a shrub belonging to Solanace family. It is grown in the western India, Gujarat, MP, Punjab and in Himalayas.
Ashwagandha gets its name because its roots have the odor of horse. (Ashwa = horse , gandha = odor). It is called by another name Varaha karni because its leaves resemble pig’s ear.

 Ayurveda, ayurveda ginseng, herbal aphrodisiac, ayurveda tips for erectile dysfunction, ayurveda rejuvinator, herbal remedies low libido,

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Ashwagandha - also known as Indian Winter Cherry has the Botanical name Withania Somnifera  -It is a shrub belonging to Solanace family. It is grown in the western India, Gujarat, MP, Punjab and in Himalayas.
Ashwagandha gets its name because its roots have the odor of horse. (Ashwa = horse , gandha = odor). It is called by another name Varaha karni because its leaves resemble pig’s ear.
Ashwagandha has light (laghu) and sticky (snigdha) properties, bitter and sweet taste. On digestion the sweet taste dominates. The main part used is root of this herb.

Medicinal properties of Ashwagandha
The various medicinal properties of ashwagandha is attributed to compounds known as withanolides which are present in it.
Ashwagandha is used as an adaptogen (as it enhances endurance), rejuvenating tonic and sedative. Hence many herbalists refer this herb as Indian ginseng.
Effects on mind: As it balances vata and kapha, it improves memory, counteracts the effects of stress and calms mind. It has an ability to relieve stress. It acts as sedative. Stressed patients with insomnia are benefited by this herb.
This herb can be used in Alzheimer’s disease, memory loss and insomnia.
Effects on general health : It acts as balya and strengthens the body. Generally, ashwagandha stimulates the immune system and strengthens it. It increases body energy level.

Convalescent patients’ gain more energy and can spring back to normal routine quicker when this herb’s preparations are used after illness.
The immediate relapse of disease is prevented on use of Ashwagandha. This supports HIV patients by strengthening their immune system.
Anti-inflammatory properties: It has anti-inflammatory properties and has been successfully used in adjuvant therapy for arthritis. It reduces inflammation of joints and eases movements.
Effects on digestive system: Ashwagandha increases appetite . It normalizes digestion and bowel movements.
Effects on reproductive system:  This magic herb increases shukra dhatu, sperm count and sperm motility. It increases libido and known as best Vajikara dravya (aphrodisiac)
It is also used as uterine tonic and to enhance female libido.
Ashwagandha retards ageing process when used as rasayana (rejuvenating preparation).
It reduces hypertension and also acts as diuretic.
Effects on pregnant woman: Ashwagandha is very effective in conditions like habitual abortion, threatened abortion. It stabilizes pregnancy and balances harmones which stabilize pregnancy.
Usefull preparations of Ashwagandha:
1. A paste of ashwagandha leaves when applied on a local inflammation acts as anti inflammatory. 
2. The herbal massage oil which includes this herb is useful in many conditions like paralysis, epilepsy, sleeplessness etc.
3. The preparation of Ashwagandha which is processed with ghee, sugar and honey is a very good aphrodisiac and increases semen quantity, sperm count and motility. It is effectively used in Erectile dysfunction, low libido and premature ejaculation.
4 Ashwagandha roots when used regularly helps to improve the conditions like emaciation of children, senile debility, rheumatism, in all cases of general debility, nervous exhaustion, brain-fag, low of memory, loss of muscular energy and spermatorrhoea.  It increases body energy  and vigor . It helps to rebuild the body system which is worn out due to chronic diseases like syphilis, rheumatism etc. It also replenishes the lowered energy of body due to over-work, mental exertion thus preventing early ageing.
5 Ashwagandha when used regularly , is very useful in emaciated children. It increases body weight and body energy.
6 Regular use of ashwagandha helps to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
7 Fine powder of ashwagandha well mixed with oil is very use full in many skin conditions.
8 Ashwagandha also acts as galactogogue and thickens the milk when given to nursing mothers.

Arthritis Relief with Tea Tree Oil

Arthritis Relief with Tea Tree Oil
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You cannot expect to cure arthritis through dietary changes but, in conjunction with using tea tree oil, the right foods can alleviate many of the painful flareups.

acne,holistic acne treatment,acne cure,tea tree oil,Kathryn Beach

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The term "arthritis" is used to refer to one or more of a group of over 100 rheumatic diseases. Quite often, arthritis is caused by the deterioration of cartilage in the joints. Symptoms of all of these diseases include pain, stiffness and swelling of the joints, and can affect other parts of the body such as other bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments.
Tea tree oil is very good for arthritis as it is able to penetrate and desensitize irritated nerve endings. For relief from pain caused by the various arthritic afflictions (rheumatoid arthritis , osteoarthritis, etc.), combine 18 drops of tea tree oil with 1/8 cup of almond oil. Put in a dark bottle and shake before applying it topically two to four times a day as a massage oil.
Putting 2-3 drops of tea tree oil into a warm bath is also a great way to alleviate the joint pain associated with arthritis.
In order to go beyond merely relieving arthritis symptoms, it is important to make dietary changes. Changing the type of oil in the diet to one rich in omega-3 fatty acids suppresses the inflammatory that the body makes. Omega-3 fatty acids switch off the enzymes that break down joint cartilage, and are found mainly in oily fish such as sardines, salmon and cod liver oil. Omega-6 fatty acids are found mostly in plant seed oils such as evening primrose and sunflower oil, and can also have a positive effect in relieving arthritis symptoms.
Foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids are:
    * canola oil (the oil and margarine)
    * salmon oil
    * cod liver oil (mmm yum :)
    * soybean oil
    * soybeans
    * walnut oil
    * walnuts
    * avocado oil
    * fresh avocado.
Foods to avoid:
Try replacing much of the red meat you consume with oily fish. Red meat is also a good source of iron, so be sure to eat lots of dark green leafy vegetables and other foods rich in iron so as not to be deficient.
    * alcohol
    * tea
    * coffee
    * saturated fats
    * processed foods
    * fried and grilled foods
You cannot expect to cure arthritis through dietary changes but, in conjunction with using tea tree oil, the right foods can alleviate many of the painful flareups.
To your health!

Arthritis, Joint Pain, Spondylitis, Fibromyalgia, Muscular Ache :Herbal Approach

Arthritis, Joint Pain, Spondylitis, Fibromyalgia, Muscular Ache :Herbal Approach
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The following are a few simple cures that might just help relieve you from the pain of arthritis. Try any of them to see what works for you.

arthritis pain, joint pain, back pain, arthcare oil, arthritis pain relief

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Arthritis is one of the most common chronic diseases in the world. According to Ayurveda arthritis is primarily a vata (air) disease which is due to accumulation of toxins in the joints and is known as amavata.This can be caused by poor digestion and a weakened colon, resulting in the accumulation of undigested food and the buildup of waste matter. Poor digestion allows toxins to accumulate in the body, and problems with the colon allow the toxins to reach the joints.
Symptoms : Fever Immense pain & stiffness in affected muscles in case of chronic muscular rheumatism. Pain or tenderness in a joint which is aggravated by any movement or activity, such as walking, getting up from a chair, writing, typing, holding an object, throwing a ball, turning a key. Excruciating pain and stiffness in the joints in case of chronic articular rheumatism.
The following are a few simple cures that might just help relieve you from the pain of arthritis. Try any of them to see what works for you.
Two teaspoons of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey mixed in a cup of warm water taken twice a day is good for curing arthritis. Two teaspoons of juice from fresh leaves of bathua, drink every day on an empty stomach for 2-3 months. Half a teaspoon of turmeric powder with warm water helps cure arthritis. Taking alfalfa tea twice a day makes a good cure. Two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and 2 teaspoons of honey dissolved in a small glass of warm water taken once or twice a day brings relief. Rub the aching joints with hot vinegar to get some relief from pain. Two parts pure olive oil and one part kerosene makes a wonderful liniment to bathe afflicted joints. Add one tablespoon cod liver oil to the juice of one orange, whip and drink before sleeping. One raw clove of garlic every day is very beneficial. This clove can be fried in ghee (clarified butter) or castor oil. Take for 2 months. Guggulu is very helpful in curing arthritis. Eat half a teaspoon twice a day after meals with warm water. Exercise the afflicted joints in a tub full of hot water. Drink carrot juice, cucumber juice, eat cooked vegetables and/or vegetable soups, and drink coconut water for a healthy body & massage your joints daily to cure arthritis. On an empty stomach eat 2-3 walnuts or some coconut. Avoid mental tensions that lead to stress. Lose weight, if necessary, to get close to your ideal weight. If you weigh less, there is less weight on your joints and less pain.
Effetive and Proven Results For - Arthcare Oil (Anti Inflammatory and Muscle Relaxant Herbal Massage Oil) :
Arthcare Oil is the best natural solution for your problem, manufactured under the guidance of renowned MD Ayurveda Specialist doctor. Arthcare is an anti-arthritic herbal oil which not only gives a sure relief in rheumatic arthritis but also strengthens the bone tissues, the skeletal and the neuromuscular systems, giving a comfortable movements of joints and muscles. It is a powerful antioxidant and increases the energy level. Arthcare penetrates the body tissue faster than any other ointment because of its strong anti-inflammatory action. It removes stiffness and improves mobility of limbs. It brings relief from backaches, muscular strains, rheumatic pains, joint pains etc. Body massage with Arthcare oil, relaxes an asthmatic person. Arthcare is scientifically proven Ayurvedic formulation containing the herbal combination of well known traditional herbs described above. Within few minutes of application you will feel relaxed from pain. For Best Results Take 2 Arthcare Capsules twice a day and massage the affected area with Arthcare Oil 2-3 times a day.
Herbal Remedies:
The use of herbs is a time-honored approach to strengthening the body and treating disease. The following have been used traditionally to treat rheumatoid arthritis:
Shallaki also known as boswellia (Boswellia serrata), comes from a tree that yields gum when its bark is peeled away. In clinical trials, promising results were observed in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, chronic colitis, Crohn's disease. Researchers found that standardized Boswellia extract significantly reduced swelling and pain and usually reduced morning stiffness for people with rheumatoid arthritis.
Ashvagandha (Withania somniferum) is an Asian plant of the potato family. Its roots have long been used to treat "rheumatism," high blood pressure, immune dysfunctions, erection problems and also to ease inflammation. Because of all this, it's sometimes called the "Indian ginseng." 
Ginger (Zingiber officinale) may be among the best-studied of the four. Research suggests ginger root inhibits production of prostaglandins and leukotrienes, which are involved in pain and inflammation. In an uncontrolled 1992 Danish study, 56 patients who had either RA, OA or muscular discomfort took powdered ginger. All of those with musculoskeletal pain and three-fourths of those with OA or RA reported varying degrees of pain relief and no side effects, even among those who took the ginger for more than two years.
Herbal oils are applied to the arthritis to loosen stiff joints, restore mobility, remove pain, inflammation or swelling, nourish tissues and relieve pain. The experienced hands dipped in the pleasantly warmed oil will travel all over the body with pressure. Arthcare not only increases blood circulation but also gives a sure relief for rheumatic arthritis, spondylosis, paralysis, muscular disorder, slipped disc, asthma and tuberculosis. Brings in relief from stress, strain and tensions. It is also very good for tonning of one's muscles and nerves. Get instant relief within minutes of application of oil. For more information please read at
Epsom Salt (magnesium sulfate): Magnesium has both anti-inflammatory and anti- arthritic properties and it can be absorbed through the skin. Magnesium is one of the most important of the essential minerals in the body, and it is commonly deficient in the American diet. A New England remedy for arthritis is a hot bath of Epsom salts. The heat of the bath can increase circulation and reduce the swelling of arthritis.
Dosage and Directions: Fill a bathtub with water as hot as you can stand. Add 2 cups of Epsom salts. Bathe for thirty minutes, adding hot water as necessary to keep the temperature warm. Do this daily as often as you'd like.

Arthritis - Home remedies for Arthritis

Arthritis  - Home remedies for Arthritis
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Arthritis refers to inflammation of joints. It is one of a number of diseases commonly called rheumatism. Arthritis arises from many causes and it is treated in many different ways.

arthritis, arthritis symptoms, arthritis home remedies

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It refers to inflammation of joints. It is one of a number of diseases commonly called rheumatism. Arthritis arises from many causes and it is treated in many different ways.
Arthritis has been classified as follows: -
    * Arthritis caused by infection.
    * Arthritis resulting from rheumatic fever.
    * Rheumatoid arthritis.
    * Degenerative arthritis.
    * Arthritis due to joint injuries.
    * Arthritis caused by gout.
    * Arthritis originating from the nervous system. Rheumatoid arthritis and arthritis caused by rheumatic fever are classified as collagen disease.
    * Rheumatoid arthritis and degenerative arthritis are the two most common types. Millions of men and women are afflicted with them. But good medical treatment begun early and continued faithfully can often do much to alleviate the pain, crippling and disability.
Rheumatoid arthritis
It is a disease not of the joints but of the whole body, i . e. the connective tissues. This tissue reacts sensitively to substances in the body. Stress and worry make it worse. During rainy season and winter months, pains in the joints become most severe.
Rheumatoid arthritis may appear suddenly or gradually. Fatigue, loss of weight, and poor weight can be early signs. Sometimes it may cause an acute fever and pain, swelling and disability in many joints. Any joint can be involved including those of the spine, but the hands and feet are most commonly affected. There may be vague or fleeting pains in early stages; it may rise in the morning and at the end of the day.
Women appear to be afflicated more than men. Children too can be afflicted. Rheumatoid arthritis usually strikes at early ages unlike other types of arthritis. It appears during winter months. Americans are chronic sufferers from this disease.
Fresh raw fruit and vegetable juices offer an excellent treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. It is believed that garlic, musumbi, orange, carrot and beet juice consumed in plenty may give early cure.
Signs and symptoms of Arthritis
    * Severe pain in the affected joints.
    * Muscles, ligaments and cartilage become inflamed.
    * Movement of the joint becomes extremely painful, especially in cold, windy and damp weather.
Home Remedies for Arthritis
    * Drinking water kept overnight in a copper container accumulates traces of copper, which is said to strengthen the muscular system. A copper ring or bracelet is worn for the same reason.
    * Half a teaspoon of turmeric powder with warm water helps cure arthritis.
    * Taking alfalfa tea twice a day makes a good cure.
    * Lime has also been found beneficial as a home remedy for arthritis. The citric acid found in lime is a solvent of uric acid which is the primary cause of some types of arthritis. The juice of one lime, diluted with water, may be taken once a day, preferably first thing in the morning.
    * Exercise the afflicted joints in tub full of hot water.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Aromatherapy Massage Oils

Aromatherapy Massage Oils
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If you’ve never used aromatherapy massage oils, you owe it to yourself to try it. You’re in for a totally unique experience. Whether you want a massage to relax or to rejuvenate or even to heal, using aromatherapy massage oils brings the body’s senses to new heights.
Aromatherapy has made steady gains in use and for good reason. Offering the perfect combination of mental and physical well being, there is no better way to take advantage of aromatherapy than to enjoy its fra...

aromatherapy massage oils, massage

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If you’ve never used aromatherapy massage oils, you owe it to yourself to try it. You’re in for a totally unique experience. Whether you want a massage to relax or to rejuvenate or even to heal, using aromatherapy massage oils brings the body’s senses to new heights.
Aromatherapy has made steady gains in use and for good reason. Offering the perfect combination of mental and physical well being, there is no better way to take advantage of aromatherapy than to enjoy its fragrances in massage oils.
Our body’s different senses have been shown to have a direct affect on how we feel. For example, the nose is a very sensitive part of your body. Without it, you cannot taste or smell. Imagine your favorite foods. Now, imagine you cannot taste them. That is scary, everything you eat with no taste! How do you think that would affect your attitude throughout the day?
Studies have shown that the part of your nervous system that helps to control your emotions is connected directly to your nose. Lack of smell can cause symptoms ranging from depression to anxiety and this is only one of your senses. With the knowledge of how the mind depends on the feedback from your senses, the idea of aromatherapy exploded onto the scene.
One of the more popular types of aromatherapy is massage oil, because of the variety of uses to target specific issues. Aromatherapy massage oil treatments are unlike any other oils. Whether you are in need of relaxation or need something to perk you up, there is an aroma to fit the immediate needs. Aromatherapy massage combines two excellent methods to evoke your body’s response in whatever area you feel is needed.
There are so many different types and manufacturers of aromatherapy massage oils available, it would be a good idea to do your homework before using. For the best treatment ideas, it is always best to find and pay a certified therapist to ensure you understand how to get the most impact from aromatherapy massage. Especially, when using for the first time.
To explain a couple of different oils and fragrances we will start with Lavender essential oils. Lavender essential oils are one of the few oils that you can apply directly to your skin. It is said to have burn relief power. It is important to note that these oils should not hurt you, however, if this is your first time using essential oils never use them directly on your skin unless under safe direction. Other oils are required to be diluted before use with other base oils.
Another oil gaining in popularity is the Yland Ylang essential oil. Yland Ylang essential oils have very unique properties as well. It is said that these tropical plants have the power to both arouse and sooth the senses. It also goes by another name Cananga Odorata.
Adding aromatherapy massage oils to your therapy program is one experience everyone should try at least once. (Be careful they have been known to be addictive). With the combination of massage and a scented room to awaken your senses, you have the ultimate in relaxation and healing.

Aromatherapy Massage Oil – Adding Ease To Your Life

Aromatherapy Massage Oil – Adding Ease To Your Life
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Aromatherapy massage oil has gained popularity now a days due to the benefits attached with it. It can be put to diverse purposes depending on your need and requirements. Learn how aromatherapy massage oil can help you get stress free and gives you a right push to make a fresh starting.

Aromatherapy Massage Oil, essential massage oils, aromatherapy treatment

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Hectic schedule may be leaving you stressful resulting in enormous strain and pressure. If you too are caught up in the same situation and looking for a solution to relieve the stress, then massage with aromatherapy massage oil can be the perfect solution to get relaxed and regaining the freshness that you had missing for a long time.
Massage serves as an active stress antidote. Various massage oils are available in the market but if you are looking for the best and the natural one then aromatherapy massage oil would definitely pose to be the best option.
Nature presents the best cure.  In the past, natural herbs were used as an ailment to curb the disease and other problems. But, in the past few decades whole arena has changed there has been a rapid increase in the usage of chemicals, which have adversely affected the body and skin of many people.
But, aromatherapy has introduced a breakthrough to the shell of troubles that artificial oil massages has been creating. Relax and cure various joint with a little massage all over your body with aromatherapy massage oil.
Aromatherapy massage oil can be put to diverse uses namely relaxation, romance, stress reliever, children’s massage and many more depending on your aspirations and needs. Just a simple massage with aromatherapy massage oil works as a helpful healing process, where disease or injury has occurred in muscles, connective tissues, bones or any other part of the body.
You can choose the most appropriate massage oil that suits your needs and aspirations the best. If you find it difficult to decide which aromatherapy massage oil is appropriate for you, seek the advice of professional cosmetologist who can guide about the suitable oil that suit your type of skin to the best.
You can look for massage oils in the shops nearer to your home. But, in case you don’t want to indulge in troubles involved in going out and shopping. One more easier and faster option is available, the Internet. You can browse through various sites selling access wide range of aromatherapy massage oil. They also give you the benefit of reasonable low prices on bulk purchase of aromatherapy massage oil. 
Internet can be the one stop shop for you, you can compare the prices of massage oil offered by various sellers and can choose the appropriate message oil accordingly.
Get stress free the natural way with aromatherapy massage oil that can help you relieve the stress by activating your body cells and toning your body. Make the best use of Internet shopping that gives you an added advantage of getting the desired massage oil from the comfort of your home.

Aromatherapy Essential Oils: Seven Things You Should Know

Aromatherapy Essential Oils: Seven Things You Should Know
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Aromatherapy uses essential oils to treat medical conditions, to alleviate psychological ailments, for cosmetic purposes, and to reduce stress. The essential oils of aromatherapy have the power to enhance both your physical and mental state.
Essential oils are extracted from living plants and trees. When essential oils are used appropriately, most can be used at home safely, enjoyably, and with beneficial effects. Keep the following seven things in mind if you want to try ...

essential oil,aromatherapy,essential oil organic,aromatherapy oil

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Aromatherapy uses essential oils to treat medical conditions, to alleviate psychological ailments, for cosmetic purposes, and to reduce stress. The essential oils of aromatherapy have the power to enhance both your physical and mental state.
Essential oils are extracted from living plants and trees. When essential oils are used appropriately, most can be used at home safely, enjoyably, and with beneficial effects. Keep the following seven things in mind if you want to try aromatherapy at home.
(1) Most essential oils should never be applied directly without diluting them. Only lavender and tea tree oil are exceptions to this rule.
(2) Essential oils are flammable, so use extreme caution around flames and heat sources. If you use a burner to diffuse the oil, put water in the burner first. The essential oil will enter the air as the water evaporates.
(3) Essential oils are for external use only. On very rare occasions, a qualified aromatherapist may prescribe essential oils by mouth. Some essential oils can be very toxic if swallowed. Even essential oils that have a therapeutic effect when diluted in certain oral treatments (like mouthwash) should not be swallowed.
(4) Keep all essential oils out of the reach of children.
(5) If you want to use essential oils during pregnancy, on babies, or with young children, please seek the advice of a trained, qualified aromatherapist first.
(6) If you are using essential oils as part of homeopathic or herbal medicine treatment, get advice from homeopathic or herbal medicine practitioners as well as from an aromatherapist.
(7) Some medical conditions require a doctor's care, and not all medical conditions benefit from aromatherapy. Always check with your doctor first before undertaking aromatherapy for the treatment of any medical condition.
Following these seven principles for safe aromatherapy will help your experience with aromatherapy to be both enjoyable and beneficial.

Aromatherapy Essential Oils – An Inheritance Well Acclaimed

Aromatherapy Essential Oils – An Inheritance Well Acclaimed
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The therapeutic benefits of essential oils are many. Derived from the essence of plants, a few drops of aromatherapy essential oil produce the same effect as loads of the plant. This article has described essential oils and its properties, dealing with the ways in which essential oils can be used for maximum benefit. Additionally a checklist for the people who are planning to buy essential oils has been given in the article.

Essential oils, essential massage oils, essential oils wholesale, aromatherapy essential oils

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The use of essential oils, which is derived from the pure essence of a plant, is not new. Though the term aromatherapy was coined only in the 1920s (by Gattefossé in 1928), people knew of aromatherapy essential oils from the prehistoric times. Starting from the Chinese to Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Persian and Indian civilizations, each have added to the science of essential oils and to aromatherapy as a whole.
Research still continues in the field of aromatherapy essential oils, with new developments being made in the field. Aromatherapy and essential oils are no longer limited to cosmetic or aromatic uses only. Many of the essential oils have been proved to have medicinal and therapeutic benefits too. Take lavender oil for instance. French chemist Gattefossé would have been unaware of the properties of lavender oil to give instant relief without any scar in cases of burn, until he burnt his hand and accidentally put his hand in the jar full of the essence of lavender. Similarly, there are a large number of essential oils that have medicinal properties. The 'tulsi' plant or Indian basil, distinct through its strong aroma and taste, is considered "the elixir of life" since it is thought to bring longevity. The use of the plant’s extracts is made to treat illnesses like headaches, inflammation, heart disease, and malaria. The essential oils derived from ‘karpoora tulsi’ have found use in the manufacture of herbal toiletry. 
Essential oils are derived from almost every part of the plant. Leaves, stems, flowers, roots, etc are distilled through steam or water to result into essential oils. Consequently, aromatherapy essential oils contain the true essence of the plant. In its purest form, a few drops of essential oil can give the same results that loads of that plant would have given. This is because essential oils are available in concentrated form.
Though referred to as oil, essential oils in aromatherapy do not give that oily feeing. Except for a few oils such as patchouli, orange and lemongrass, most oils are clear and see-through.
Aromatherapy essential oils must be differentiated from the perfume or fragrance oils. While essential oils contain the purest essence of the plant, fragrance oils are made of artificially created substances as a whole or a part of it. Fragrance oils may cause allergies or other skin reaction because of the use of artificial substances; but the use of essential oils brings upon no such allergic reaction.
Aromatherapy essential oils can be used by people either through inhalation or by applying them on skin in a diluted form. When essential oils are inhaled, they enter the bloodstream and lungs directly, thus producing an instant effect on the ailment.
Applying aromatherapy essential oils on the body is good for absorption. Since essential oils are available in a concentrated form, they need to be diluted using carrier oil. Sweet almond oil, apricot kernel oil, grape seed oil, etc are blended with the essential oil; and the mixture is used on the body or the part that is afflicted.
One needs to be very careful while purchasing an essential oil. Though readily available, people are not well equipped to differentiate between the good quality and poor quality essential oil. The following checklist might be helpful to all those people who are on their way shopping for aromatherapy essential oils:
• A vendor who allows you to check the essential oil is preferred more.
• If the bottle containing essential oils has terms such as fragrance oils, nature identical oils; they are not essential oils.
• Never buy a bottle of essential oil that seems old. It might be adulterated or just might not produce the medicinal benefits.
• A clear glass bottle of essential oils allows light to come in, thus reducing its aroma therapeutic benefits. Avoid buying essential oils that are sold in clear glass bottles.
• Essential oils sold in plastic bottles too must be avoided as it dissolves plastic and becomes contaminated for use.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Aromatherapy Diffusers in Action

Aromatherapy Diffusers in Action
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Having a unique and natural perfume dispersed into the atmosphere of your home or office can’t help but stimulate the senses. In a refreshing blend of pure and natural essential oils derived from the different parts of the plants such as flowers, berries, leaves, and barks, aromatherapy diffusers are able to provide maximum therapeutic effects both to the body and the mind.

aromatherapy,aromatherapy dispensers,aromatherapy diffusers,fragrance dispensers,fragrances,incense

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Having a unique and natural perfume dispersed into the atmosphere of your home or office can’t help but stimulate the senses. In a refreshing blend of pure and natural essential oils derived from the different parts of the plants such as flowers, berries, leaves, and barks, aromatherapy diffusers are able to provide maximum therapeutic effects both to the body and the mind.
There are varied forms of aromatherapy diffusers and all of which are crafted to disperse distinct fragrances and therapeutic essential oils into the air. Once the people get to take in the pleasing scent and therapeutic effects of aromatherapy diffusers, a rejuvenating feeling is at once acquired. Compared to the commercialized air fresheners, the aromatherapy diffusers can be used as natural air fresheners in rooms and cars which are guaranteed to avoid allergic reactions to some persons. Hence, the natural plant oils are proven to be alternatives to the common synthetic fragrances available in the market.
As the aroma molecules are diffused into the atmosphere, they are taken into the lungs and therefore are absorbed into the bloodstream. In turn, both the physical and the psychological beings are soothed and promoted.
What are the benefits of the aromatherapy essential oils?
The aromatherapy essential oils can invigorate a refreshing and uplifting mood towards the person. Since different oils contain varied aromas and uses, the effects of their properties fall on dissimilar levels depending on the person’s sense of appreciation. There are numerous ways of diffusion. Usually, essential oil burners are used. This process involves a few drops of the essential oils into a small bowl of water and is then heated above a tea light. However, some people opt to just add the oil into a bowl of boiling water so reduce the risk of burning flames. The heat causes the dispersion of the aroma into the room or any other space.
Oh how relaxing it can be! All forms of aromatherapy diffusers work well with the calming effects it provides the users. Everyone knows for a fact how the aromatherapy candles and natural baths and body products soothe the tiring psyche and help the mind to unwind.
Hence, there is a wide variety of aromatherapy essential oil diffusers like:
• Fan Diffusers- using no heat at all, the small fans blow air through the pad that contains essential oils.
• Nebulizing Diffusers—they pump air through glass chambers which are filled with essential oils.
• Tea Candle Diffusers—a few drops of essential oils is added to a water-filled reservoir.
• Lamp Ring Diffusers—this is placed on low wattage bulb and then essential oils are added.
• Car Diffusers—essential oils are added and this is plugged into the cigarette lighter of the car or truck.
• Diffuser Pots—using no heat, essential oils are added to the glazed pots so that the aroma can be enjoyed for several days.
• Special Purpose Diffusers—without the use of heat, these devices make possible the discreet fitting of aromahalers into the nasal passages.
• Necklace Diffusers—another no heat usage device, these are hand blown glass ceramic vials with sterling silver necklaces.
Moreover, aromatherapy diffusers are beneficial when pure and natural. Essential oil diffusers are good for freshening up the air inside the room and creating a welcoming atmosphere that is truly relaxing yet without the use of artificial chemicals of any kind. Get a better sleep, stay alert, feel relaxed, uplift the spirit, and enjoy a romantic atmosphere with the useful and therapeutic aromatherapy diffusers.

Aromatherapy Candles – The Brighter Side Of Candles

Aromatherapy Candles – The Brighter Side Of Candles
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Aromatherapy candles have added a new perspective to the usage of candles; candles now serve as a basis to achieve health, vitality and rejuvenating of the body as well as mind and spirit. They are environmental friendly as they are derived from natural plant sources.

Aromatherapy Massage Oil, essential massage oils, Aromatherapy Candles

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Candles are commonly used for lightening a dark room when your home’s power is gone or more often in a candle light dinner. But, the usage of candles is not confined to this only. Introduction of aromatherapy candles have added a new perspective to the usage of candles, candles now serve as a basis to achieve health, vitality and rejuvenating of the body as well as mind and spirit.
Aromatherapy candles are made with beeswax, soybean wax or vegetable oil. One can even find pure essential oil candles in the market. The best thing about aromatherapy candles is that they are environmental friendly as they are derived from natural plant sources.
Uses of aromatherapy candles: -
 Set the atmosphere
 Improve the ambience in many situations
 Can be used in any room of your home and provide a wonderful enhancement.
 Scented with essential oils or herbs that send messages of relaxation or rejuvenation to the mind and body
Aromatherapy candles are available in different styles, sizes and scents. You can choose the appropriate candle as per your requirement and aspiration. Scented candles can add warmth to any home, they can give a clean, refreshing feel. Many candles are scented with essential oils, or oils that some from plants.
If by now you have decided to buy an aromatherapy candle, learn what kinds of scents they are available in and what are their benefits: -
 Frankincense is warming. 
 Peppermint is strong and minty. Can aid with alertness
 Lemon is also a stong scent and can help dispel fatigue
 Jasmine smells as good as it sounds can help spark romance
 Grapefruit is another citrus scent that can lift your spirits
 Vanilla is very rich and helps to relieve tension and irritability.
 Lavender is fresh and floral. This can help dispel a soor disposition
Aromatherapy candles are cost effective and are natural candles. They have many benefits over candles made up of paraffin. Soy wax that is most commonly used in making aromatherapy candles is natural non-toxic, biodegradable renewable resource. It also burns slower and produces very little dust and smoke.
Internet has made it easier for all to access the desired aromatherapy candles with ease without going out for shopping. You can access infinite number of lenders with just a few clicks. Look for lenders who provide pure aromatherapy candles with essential oil.
Aromatherapy candles are the best cost effective means to relax and can rejuvenate your senses and body. Choose the desired candles with caution, a little bit of research can help you get the desired candles at reasonable rate.

Aromatherapy Blends – A gift specially for you from the nature’s lap

Aromatherapy Blends – A gift specially for you from the nature’s lap
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Aromatherapy blends refreshes and relaxes the skin while soothing the mind by helping to induce a sense of well-being and reinforce the freshness. If you are looking for the best, then nothing is better than aromatherapy blends. Learn more about aromatherapy blends.

Aromatherapy Massage Oil,Aromatherapy blends,Aromatherapy essential oils

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Nature holds various useful resources which can be put to several uses. And this is what aromatherapy makes the best use of. Aromatherapy blends are a natural way to cure your problems.
Aromatherapy uses natural extracts, botanical essential oils from plants, leaves, seeds, and flowers as a healing art. Aromatherapy blends refreshes and relaxes the skin while soothing the mind by helping to induce a sense of well-being and reinforce the freshness.
A sensible aromatherapy blend employs all-natural, pure essential oils and delivers a clear benefit. The oils pooled in it should be synergistic and pleasant enough to support and enhance oil's effect.
Aromatherapy blends can be used in oil diffusors, or blended into a product base such as massage oil, or bath salts. Finest blends of essential oils in quality base oils are what aromatherapy blends is all about. Enjoy the uplifting power of essential oils; find relief from menstrual cramps, headache and congestion by using aromatherapy blends.
Stop pampering your skin with the artificial products that contains harmful chemicals. Aromatherapy blends are available in wide variety, use them and give your skin an opportunity to “thank you”. Relaxation, stress relief, energizing, healing, meditations, sinus relief, citrus passion, romance, and headache relief are some of the commonly found aromatherapy blends.
The question that may arise in your mind now will be that how to choose the aromatherapy blend that will satisfy your needs and aspiration to the best. In this case you can consult any cosmetologist who can guide you better by analyzing your skin type. With the continuous advancement in technology, you can also make use of the online cosmetologist who can give you useful advice helping you in finding the appropriate aromatherapy blends.
When you go out in the market you may find different types of aromatherapy blends. But if you are looking for an easier way to access the desired aromatherapy blends that too without any hassle, online method is the best option. You just need to fill up a small form and book your order; the dealer will ship your order within a small matter of time.
If you are looking for the best deal, make sure to collect catalog from different dealers of aromatherapy blends. This will help you in finding the suitable deal that suits you requirement and pocket to the best. 
What can be a better solution to get cured the natural way other than aromatherapy blends. Make sure to use the suitable base oil dilution whenever you decide to use it. Just shop around and compare the price list you will definitely end up getting the best deal.

Aromatherapy as an Relaxing Treatment

Aromatherapy as an Relaxing Treatment
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Aromatherapy has been alive for centuries.  It is known as a therapeutic natural practice that is commonly performed to energize, relax, and advance the beauty, health, as well as a sense of ease.  It is highly considered as an energizing and relaxing treatment as it generally works to unite or balance the body, the mind, and the spirit of those who are taking it, leaving the person calm and active.

Aromatherapy,Back Pain

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Aromatherapy has been alive for centuries.  It is known as a therapeutic natural practice that is commonly performed to energize, relax, and advance the beauty, health, as well as a sense of ease.  It is highly considered as an energizing and relaxing treatment as it generally works to unite or balance the body, the mind, and the spirit of those who are taking it, leaving the person calm and active.
The aromatherapy as an energizing and relaxing treatment is in the first place a healing practice that involves the use of pure essential oils with a number of ways that include bathing, inhalation, and massage.   Its nature is actually derived two words: Aroma, which means scent and Therapy, means treatment.  Aromatherapy as an energizing and relaxing treatment is said to have evolved over the centuries and is practiced across every continent.
Furthermore, the aromatherapy as an energizing and relaxing treatment primarily works in harmony with your body, as mentioned above.  This is for the fact that after an aromatherapy session, your body then becomes stronger as it was fed by with complex nutrients of purity from essential oils.  It is worth noting that the essential oils are not something synthesized in a laboratory and deprived of all its components, making it potent for soothing the person's feeling. 
In the true spirit of aromatherapy as an energizing and relaxing treatment, certain ideas regarding the absorption of essential oils are highly maintained.  It is commonly held that the essential oils generally have a relatively simple, small as well as lipid-soluble molecular structure that allows them to pass easily through the skin.   Once the diluted essential oils are applied directly to the skin, it is then completely absorbed and penetrates deeply into the tissues, interstitial fluid and bloodstream.  It is through this process that aromatherapy as an energizing and relaxing treatment is highly deemed as a powerful health option.  This claim is even supported by the notion that the aromatherapy as an energizing and relaxing treatment works with essential oils that are natural rejuvenating agents that facilitate the elimination of waste matter, including dead cells.  And, the aromatherapy as an energizing and relaxing treatment works with the essential oils that promote the regeneration of new and healthy cells.
Given those facts, the aromatherapy as an energizing and relaxing treatment is now commonly practiced in the form of massage as the essential oils are greatly carried by the specific organs and systems of the body where they enhance the natural functions of the body organs.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Aromatherapy and Men

Aromatherapy and Men
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A brief article that identifies some of the benefits of Aromatherapy for men.

Aromatherapy for men, Aromatherapy, Essential Oils

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As we are all aware Aromatherapy is nothing new to civilization. However it is unlikely that you will find the word man and aromatherapy in the same sentence. In fact if you ask most guys what they know of Aromatherapy for men you would receive a vacant stare in return as they draw blanks in the mental index. The truth of the matter is many properties of Aromatherapy for men will benefit in today’s society. We are not living in the days of hunter gathers so the types of stress a man faces today are different compared to tribal days.  Not to say that the amount of stress is not similar to hunting or being hunted. I guess it can be summed up that today’s stress is a battle of the mind. When I think of how Aromatherapy has changed my life I reflect on three major benefits that have taken place in my life. This article will address the benefits of Aromatherapy for men in today’s modern culture.
 I think it would be appropriate to start from the beginning and briefly go over what Aromatherapy actually is, in case any of you guys don’t know. Believe it or not modern Aromatherapy was actually identified in France by a man named Rene Maurice Gattefosse in the 1920’s. Mr. Gattefosse was a chemist and apparently so prone to getting burned in his lab he became somewhat of a authority on burns from his own personal experience. One day as Mr. Gattefosse lit his arm on fire in a panic he doused the flames in a vat of lavender oil. Gattefosse experienced immediate relief from the pain and additionally in the days to come the recovery process was extremely short with minimal scarring. Compared to the previous burns he had experienced he could not deny he was on to something. After the incident Gattefosse dedicated his life to the study of Aromatherapy. So guys there you go nothing to be shy about Aromatherapy for men is totally natural.
 The number one benefit that I have seen happen in my life is the ability to deal with the stress in modern life. Previously to my experiments with Basil Oil my depression what at a all time high. It’s difficult to describe the properties of Basil Oil without smelling them in person. It is important to note that you should never use the exotic variety of basil it could possibly be a source of cancer. However Basil oil is amazing at giving me a second wind at the end of the day. I have more quality time with my daughter and strangely am able to let go of the stress I have had during the day. My focus is sharper so I can think clearly about positive aspects in life and bring my self to a place that is pleasant. I have also used Lemon oil but I tend to favor Basil but you should try both.
 When thinking about Aromatherapy for men think about what it can do for us when we are sick. Let’s face it most men turn to kittens when a cold strikes. Believe it or not Aromatherapy can get you back to the testosterone injected beefcake you once believed yourself to be. Let me introduce you to my little friend…..Eucalyptus oil and mint. During a cold or flu this little combo delivers a knockout in clearing the nasal passages. Give it a shot the next time you a feeling sick. Also another amazing essential oil is Yarrow oil it can get rid of most cold and flu symptoms. Obviously again this is treating the symptoms and not the cause but again it should be enough to get yourself positive enough to fight back mentally.
 Aromatherapy for men is also important in the area of skin burns. Lets face it guys are prone to skin burns. A nasty header burn on the leg can be a real bummer for the weekend. Skin burns are no bueno and as previously mentioned lavender oil is a great way to get some relief. You may also want to try Bergamot for cold sores combined with Eucalyptus oil provides amazing relief.
 Aromatherapy for men in the future will more than likely be more commonplace than it is today. I know from personal experience that it has had a tremendous effect on my relationship at home after a stressful day. I get through sickness with less misery and if by chance when I’m out playing I should get some sort of skin damage well I’m covered there as well. Aromatherapy for men in all has many uses. Just remember it’s making your life easier if you are having trouble getting over the stereotype. You are facing some risks with aromatherapy and in turn you will need to become informed with the techniques involved in producing the results you are looking for. If you are interested I have link to my website below full of information on Aromatherapy and yes I’m a man.

Aromatherapy and Back Pain

Aromatherapy and Back Pain
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Today many people suffer from lower back pain.  This may be a result of poor posture, standing too long at work, or from a previous injury.  For those who deal with back pain, they know that the pain can become unbearable.  Back pain can cause great discomfort and can hinder the enjoyment from a person’s life.  Living with chronic pain can take its toll on the emotions as well, and can lead to mood swings and a negative outlook of life.  The best remedy is to avoid injuring the back to begin with.

Aromatherapy,Back Pain

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Today many people suffer from lower back pain.  This may be a result of poor posture, standing too long at work, or from a previous injury.  For those who deal with back pain, they know that the pain can become unbearable.  Back pain can cause great discomfort and can hinder the enjoyment from a person's life.  Living with chronic pain can take its toll on the emotions as well, and can lead to mood swings and a negative outlook of life.  The best remedy is to avoid injuring the back to begin with. 
One of the best ways to prevent back pain is to watch your weight.  Being overweight can lead to chronic back pain.  When the abdomen becomes overstretched, the back muscles will be used to counteract the effect of slack abdomen muscles.  By keeping the abdomen toned and not becoming overweight you can save your back a lot of injury in the future.
Pregnancy is another cause of back pain.  When a woman is pregnant, the growing baby will stretch out the abdomen and the back will feel the effects.  You may even have a mental image of a pregnant woman standing with her hands held on her lower back.  Some women even have greater amounts of back pain during pregnancy when the baby sits on the Sciatic nerve.  This may result in excruciating and debilitating back pain.  Thankfully, this type of back pain is temporary and will subside once the baby is born.
It is important that you prevent back injury at the workplace as well as at home.  This may mean that you wear a back brace at work when picking up heavy objects.  Also, you should always bend at your knees when picking something up.  Many people make the mistake of bending at the waist to pick up heavy objects and this can result in strained back muscles, or back injury.
If you are suffering from back pain then you should schedule an appointment with your chiropractor or family physician.  It is important that you nurture your spine, and if you suspect an injury do not put it off.  You may need to take a course of prescribed treatment so scheduling an appointment is very important.
Aromatherapy also offers some great benefits to easing back pain.  Along with Aromatherapy, you can also do some gentle Yoga stretching exercises.  Always check with your chiropractor or doctor before starting any exercise, but Yoga is wonderful for the spine and most likely will be recommended by your doctor. 
You can take hot oil baths to relieve the pain as well as have hot oil massages on your back.  There are many natural essential oils that will help relieve the pain.  To make a great hot aromatic pain-relieving bath, use 10 drops of Eucalyptus and 10 drops of Peppermint added to your bath.  Soak in the hot bath for at least 20 minutes to achieve the full therapeutic benefits.  If you are pregnant, make sure that you read the safety precautions on the label of any essential oils that you are using.